It’s a new season! God is doing a new thing! It shall spring forth— shall you not see it? (ref. Isaiah 43:19)
…Well, maybe not…because if you are looking for God to do the same thing, the same way, in the same time frame, chances are that you are going to miss it. New means fresh, not old. Old paradigms are shifting. Acceleration is taking place in this season. What may have taken a long time before is accelerating in this new season. Don’t miss your entrance into the Promised Land because you are taking the previous season’s instructions and efforts into the new season.
In Exodus 17, Moses and the children of Israel were camped in the wilderness at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink (vs 1). When Moses inquired of the Lord as to how to solve the water shortage issue, the Lord instructs Moses to take the staff and strike the rock at Horeb and water will come out so that the people may have something to drink (vs 6).
In Numbers 20, Moses and the children of Israel are in the 40th and final year of their wilderness journey. They are living in Kadesh. Next stop… the Promised Land! Once again, there was a problem with a water shortage. The congregation went into the same complaints and laments, instead of remembering that God had provided a solution once before.
Even though the children of Israel were physically facing the same situation, their season had changed!
New season…New instructions
God tells Moses to speak to the rock this time before the congregation ad water would begin to flow. However, in frustration and anger, Moses goes off on the people and while in the throngs of a soapbox rant, Moses strikes the rock with the rod twice, instead of speaking to the rock as the Lord had commanded (vs 11).
Last season’s instructions did work and water came out of the rock to bless the Lord’s people. Moses, however, was not blessed for his disobedience, becoming disqualified to enter the Promised Land. His actions produced water, but it didn’t produce the glory of God.
It’s a new season and God wants to display His glory in the earth through new avenues, new mediums, and new flows. Even though you may be standing at the same rock, facing the same situation again, don’t try what you did before. Solicit God for new instructions on how to make the water flow again.
For example, if you are in a financial drought, the second job, garage sales, or temporary loans may not be the answer in this new season. God may be speaking to you about praying in the Spirit or seeking Him at an unusual time of day.
Performing the same task or process expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. We would be insane to take our same effort, our same commitment, and our last set of instructions into this new season and expect a different result. God is ready to do bigger, better, and faster- for His glory. Don’t allow frustration, anger, laziness, complacency, or complaint to disqualify you from your Promised Land.
Stop and seek God for what He would have you to do in this season as you stand at Meribah…so His glory can be seen in you and through you.